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IT Services provides analogue phone lines to support standard phones, elevator phones, fax machines and other non-digital equipment.

IT Services will continue to support legacy analogue phone lines for equipment that is unable to leverage VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. As legacy equipment is replaced and analogue phone lines approach the end of its life, IT Services will work with stakeholder groups to find alternative solutions based on VoIP technology.

Make a request

Designed for

Employees, contractors and affiliates



24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year

This service may be unavailable during select scheduled maintenance windows.



Contact the IT Service Desk.

Getting started

Have a legacy device that requires an analogue phone line? IT Services will work with you to find an appropriate technology solution. Submit a request for an analogue phone line to discuss your needs with an IT Analyst.


There are no additional costs associated with this service.

IT policies

Acceptable Use and Information Security policies apply to all BCIT information and computing.