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Microsoft Bookings allows employees to address a variety of scheduling needs across departments, individuals, and types of appointments. With Microsoft Bookings:

  • Appointment requests can be restricted to internal BCIT users or made available for any external user
  • Flexible calendar structures can be configured to set different information, administrators, types of appointments, and communication settings.
  • Current BCIT employees have access to Microsoft Bookings and can view any existing Microsoft Booking calendar if they have been invited as a Viewer or Guest
  • All BCIT Employees have the “Book with me” functionality available to use for office hours, consulting sessions, or other related activities
  • BCIT employees can request a consultation to have a departmentally-managed Bookings calendar created

Note: It is recommended for Departmental Booking Calendars to have more than one BCIT administrator to ensure consistency of support.

Make a request

Designed for

Employees and students



24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year



Support for the Microsoft 365 suite of applications is provided by Microsoft.

Contact the IT Service Desk if you have issues with your account.

Getting started

Students: Microsoft 365 is available for students who are currently taking a course.

Employees: BCIT employees with a BCIT issued computer have the Microsoft 365 suite of applications pre-installed. Microsoft 365 can also be downloaded on personal devices.


There are no additional costs associated with this service.

IT policies

Acceptable Use and Information Security policies apply to all BCIT information and computing.