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Food Research and Evaluation for Safety and Health Lab (FRESH Lab)

The FRESH Lab supports the development and commercialization of novel food prototypes and ingredient enrichment within the Phytoanalytics Lab.  The Lab is used by researchers in the Natural Health and Food Products Research Group (NRG) that have specialized expertise in a broad range of food science areas and have over 20 years’ experience undertaking industry R&D contracts and grant funded projects to improve, develop and evaluate novel food products.

The marketing of cannabis edible products has created a strong demand for facilities that possess the expertise and equipment suitable for the development of novel food prototypes and formulations. This fully equipped test kitchen meets a crucial need in supporting the development of safe quality products entering the Canadian market.

The test kitchen houses a vast array of food equipment including but not limited to 3D food printers, benchtop depositor and confectionery supplies, allowing for a wide variety of product types to be prepared.

Proximity of the test kitchen to the BCIT analytical equipment within the Phytoanalytics Lab allows for efficient evaluation and analysis of any ingredients and products from the kitchen to ensure product integrity, quality, and shelf life.

Combined with the expertise of NRG researchers, the FRESH Lab will serve as a central facility to support industry in the development and evaluation of edible products that would meet quality, safety and regulatory requirements.

Photo of hong sy.For more information about BCIT’s FRESH Lab, please contact:
Hong Sy B.Sc.
Research Associate
Natural Health and Food Products Research Group, BCIT