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What are the approximate tuition costs?

Full-time Domestic tuition fees:

Full-time International tuition fees:

Flexible Learning:

  • Tuition costs for the Business Management Advanced Diploma and BBA appear with the information for each individual course offering.
  • Standard part-time courses for International students carry 3 times the fee. Distance & Online Learning courses carry 3 times the fee

For more information regarding Flexible Learning fees, see the tuition fees website.

What are the approximate BCIT application fees?


  • Advanced Diploma in Business Management = $154.00 non-refundable.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration = $154.00 non-refundable.


  • Advanced Diploma in Business Management = $90.00 non-refundable.
  • BCIT’s Bachelor of Business Administration = $90.00 non-refundable.

What is the approximate cost of textbooks?

Approximate textbook costs:

  • Advanced Diploma in Business Management = $2,200 in total for two terms.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration = $3,300 in total for three terms.

Textbook and supplies costs are the same for both domestic and international students. Students are not required to purchase BCIT texts. They have discretion to purchase second hand, sign out from the library, etc.

What does the tuition payment process look like at BCIT?

Full-time tuition fees are paid by term. As an example, BBA students studying full-time in September have a deadline prior to September to pay for Sept-Dec courses. They will receive another invoice around Oct to pay for Jan to May term.

Part-time fees are paid course-by-course—when a student registers for the course(s).

How far in advance of each term must full-time tuition be paid?

Full-time program tuition is due 60 days before classes begin. BCIT will notify you when fees are due.

What are the approximate commitment fees to hold a seat? When is payment required and is the commitment fee non-refundable?

A non-refundable commitment fee is due 7 days after acceptance to the program. BCIT will notify you when fees are due.