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Our goal is to provide students in British Columbia with practical, applied education taught by industry professionals. In doing so, BCIT Business + Media will provide grade 10 – 12 students with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed in post-secondary.

For high school instructors seeking promotional material or program information please contact Justin Kim.

Business + Media Education Plan

The following plan is designed to help prepare students for their future and guide them into a program right for them. The Business + Media Education Plan is meant to be implemented high school wide. To inquire in bringing the 2024/2025 Business + Media Education Plan to your high school, please contact Justin Kim.

High School Visits

Interested in having a BCIT Business + Media instructor speak to your students? BCIT instructors are available to speak directly with high school classes both virtually and in person. High school instructors can book times for BCIT instructors to talk about specific programs, jobs, and industries, providing high school students with knowledge to help them make important decisions about their futures. Learn more about our High School visits.

Business Case Competition

The BCIT Virtual Business Case Competition is an online competition available to grade 11 – 12 students. Students will have approximately one month to learn how to write a case and compete individually against peers from within their own grades at their own schools. All materials, judges, and support teams will be provided by BCIT. Students who choose to partake in this optional competition will have a chance to compete for prizes.

Spend a Day Program

The Spend a Day Program is an on-going program that allows students spend a day shadowing a BCIT student. Students will experience the campus, sit in on lectures and labs, and get your questions answered by real BCIT students. Learn more about the Spend a Day Program.


For questions regarding the Business + Media Education Plan, please contact the following:

Justin Kim | Student Recruitment Specialist

Carol Martina | BCIT High School Partnership Manager