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Engineering, Design & Technology

Do you have an insatiable curiosity and often wonder how things work? BCIT’s Design, Engineering and Technology programs can help transform your affinity for solutions-based design into a career that lets you do what you love. You will learn to conceptualize and implement designs for a wide range of industries, and become a key link in shaping the world.

Full-time Programs

Architectural Science  |  Bachelor of Architectural Science
Architectural and Building Technology  |  Diploma
Architectural and Structural CADD and Graphics Technician (Architectural Drafting Option)  |  Certificate
Architectural and Structural CADD and Graphics Technician (Structural Drafting Option)  |  Certificate
Building Engineering/Building Science  |  Master of Applied Science
Building Science  |  Master of Engineering
Civil Engineering [Accredited]  |  Bachelor of Engineering
Civil Engineering  |  Diploma
Construction Management  |  Bachelor of Technology
Environmental Engineering  |  Bachelor of Technology
Geomatics Engineering Technology  |  Diploma
Interior Design [Accredited]   |  Bachelor of Interior Design
Interior Design  |  Diploma
Interior Design Fundamentals  |  Certificate
Mining and Mineral Resource Engineering [Accredited]  |  Bachelor of Engineering
Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology  |  Diploma

Flexible Learning Programs

Applied Circular Economy: Zero Waste Buildings | Microcredential
Architectural and Building Technology  |  Certificate
Automated Controls Installation and Maintenance  |  Advanced Certificate
Building Construction Technology  |  Associate Certificate
Building Controls and Energy Management  |  Advanced Certificate
Building Energy Modelling and Performance Analysis  |  Advanced Certificate
Building Design and Architectural CAD  |  Associate Certificate
Building Engineering/Building Science  |  Master of Applied Science
Building Science  |  Master of Engineering
Civil Technology  |  Certificate
Civil Technology  |  Associate Certificate
Construction Drawings  |  Associate Certificate
Construction Estimating  |  Certificate
Construction Management  |  Bachelor of Technology
Construction Operations  |  Associate Certificate
Construction Safety Officer  |  Training Course
Construction Supervision  |  Certificate
Drone Applications for Environmental Risk Assessment | Microcredential
Environmental Engineering  |  Bachelor of Technology
Essential Field Skills for Environmental Professionals | Microcredential
Essentials of Community Energy and Emissions Management | Microcredential
Essentials of Net-Zero and Passive House Construction | Microcredential
Essential Technical Skills for Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) | Certificate
Fundamentals of Water and Wastewater Operations  | Associate Certificate
Interior Design  |  Diploma
Interior Design Fundamentals  |  Certificate
Introduction to Forest Health Quantification with RPAS | Microcredential
Introduction to Power Systems Protection Design | Microcredential
Introductory Studies in Mass Timber Construction   |  Microcredential
New Residential Builder License
Principles of Regenerative Building | Microcredential
Renewable Energy Electrical Systems Installation and Maintenance [REESIM]  |  Advanced Certificate
Residential Air to Air Heat Pump Specialist | Microcredential
Residential Interiors  |  Diploma
Supervising Net-Zero and Passive House Construction | Microcredential
Sustainable Energy Management  |  Advanced Certificate

Distance Education

Building Controls and Energy Management  |  Advanced Certificate
Construction Drawings  |  Associate Certificate
Fundamentals of Water and Wastewater Operations  | Associate Certificate
Geographic Information Systems  |  Bachelor of Technology
Geographic Information Systems |  Advanced Diploma
Geographic Information Systems  |  Advanced Certificate
Introductory Studies in Mass Timber Construction   |  Microcredential
Sustainable Energy Management  |  Advanced Certificate
Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessment Professional  |  Microcredential

Flexible Learning Courses