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  1. Go to a safe place
  1. Share with a safe person
  • Talking (“disclosing”) to someone who you know and trust about your experience can be very helpful.
  • A safe person can include a BCIT employee, manager/supervisor, representative of the BCIT Student Association or Human Resources.
  1. Access Medical Services
  • If you have recently experienced sexualized violence, it is very important to consider accessing medical services.
  • In metro Vancouver specialized sexual assault health services are available.
  1. Access supportive resources
  • Supports are available both at BCIT and in the broader community.
  • Supports can include counselling, advocacy, academic/workplace accommodations and other services.
  1. Consider reporting/making a report
  • It’s entirely your decision whether you want to report the matter to the police and/or make a complaint to BCIT for investigation.
  • However, anyone who has experienced or become aware of such an incident is strongly encouraged to inform the BCIT Sexual Violence and Misconduct Response Team and or Safety and Security even if there is no desire to file a formal complaint.
  • Link to Flowchart of procedure.