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Airborne mould spores are naturally occurring and are always present in small concentrations. However, if moisture is able to impact building materials (e.g. leaks, condensation, floods, etc.), indoor mould growth can occur. Indoor mould will result in higher airborne concentrations indoors and can lead to potentially serious health effects as individuals can be sensitive to mould spores, similar to an allergy, and some species can be toxic.

If you notice evidence of moisture on building materials or water damage, notify BCIT Facilities to investigate the source and dry/repair damage before it can result in a mould problem. If you suspect active mould growth on a building material (walls, floors, ceiling, etc.), immediately report to BCIT Facilities and/or HSE. If you suspect large-water damage/flooding, immediately contact BCIT Security. The Institute is committed to responding in such a way to attempt to prevent mould hazards or minimize their impact.