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Steps to resolve your ergonomic concern at home:

  1. Complete the online Ergonomic Self-Assessment, make adjustments accordingly, and submit form. You can also refer to Telework and Ergonomic resources to adjust your workstation.
  2. You will receive a follow up email two weeks after the self-assessment. You will be asked if still experiencing any symptoms or discomforts. Answer “No” if your ergonomic concerns have been resolved and process will be closed.
  3. If symptoms persist:
    1. report to your supervisor, and
    2. complete the IRIS injury/exposure/illness report, and
    3. indicate “Yes” in the follow up survey. You will receive an email with link to IRIS Ergonomic Assessment Request formand instructions to request an OHS assessment.”
  4. Upon receiving the ergonomic assessment request, HSE will arrange an appointment with you directly.

If you are experiencing any Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) signs, report to your manager and complete an incident report found here, and request an ergonomic assessment by the HSE Division, found here.

If you continue to have ergonomic issues working from home and must use your sit/stand workstation in the office, you will need to return to work on campus.
