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Contacting security by telephone

Emergency phone blue pole in parking lot.

There are emergency Code Blue telephones on campus so you can quickly summon assistance.

You can find emergency telephones in parking lots, walkways, elevators, and in-house telephones.

These are at the Burnaby, Aerospace technology and Downtown campuses.

24/7 support

BCIT Security Communications Centres are operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer calls for assistance. Use emergency telephones to report emergencies, request a safer walk, request first-aid, report suspicious activity, and to request assistance (e.g. for car problems, you are lost, etc.).

Contact campus security using:

  • Emergency Telephones throughout the campuses, which provide a direct line to the BCIT Security Communications Centre.
  • In-house telephones (4-digit) throughout the main buildings on the campuses. Emergency telephone numbers are posted alongside the in-house telephones.
  • Emergency elevator telephones, located in most campus building elevators. Emergency elevator telephones connect directly to the Security Communications Center when you push the panel button.

Please, familiarize yourselves with these telephone locations, particularly along your normal travel routes.