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Outdoor air quality can also have serious implications for employee and student health, both when working indoors and outdoors. BCIT will notify the community during times where there are air quality advisories or other impacts to the region. The Air Quality Advisory and Wildfire Smoke Guideline provides important information about what may be required during these times, but below are some general guidelines:

  • Minimize work outside or reduce work duration or intensity during air quality advisories.
  • If outdoor work is mandatory, respirators (N95) will likely be required.
  • Symptoms of exposure can range from mild to severe, and show has respiratory irritation, eye irritation, shortness of breath, and chest pain and heart palpitations in serious cases.
  • If employees/students begin complaining of any such symptoms while working indoors, notify BCIT Facilities and OHS immediately.
  • Individuals with certain health conditions affecting their heart or impacting breathing are at risk of serious health effects from prolonged exposure, and should work with their doctor and BCIT Disability Management regarding accommodation.