The Emergency Response Depot Program assists employees and students who are unable to leave BCIT campuses and return to their homes due to an emergency situation. Basic necessities for survival for 24 hours are available for students and employees in the emergency response depots which are strategically placed around the six campuses. The depots are easily identifiable and shown on the campus maps.
The Depots are fully equipped with supplies to sustain a large group of people for up to 24 hours in times of crisis. They hold extensive first aid kits, stretchers, blankets, shelters, tents, cots, portable toilets, limited food, water, cooking equipment, and unisex emergency packs containing items such as light sticks, particle masks and hand warmers. The depots also hold emergency supplies and equipment for the emergency response teams to do rapid damage building assessments, first aid and search and rescue.
Incident Command Centre (ICC) – Burnaby campus

An Incident Command Centre (ICC) trailer is located on the Burnaby Campus. In the event of multiple incidents on campus the ICC will coordinate these incidents and report to the Emergency Operations Centre.
The ICC has work spaces for 20 and is fully equipped for people to work for an extended period of time. The ICC is also equipped to be a back-up emergency operations centre.