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Polytechnic Academy

In March 2021, we released our vision for the BCIT Polytechnic Academy. The Polytechnic Academy will provide a strong foundation for applied, hands-on, polytechnic teaching and learning methodologies, supporting all BCIT faculty to enhance their skills and expand their practice as exceptional educators. We hope to launch the Teaching Specialization Credential in spring 2022.

Scholarly Activity Guideline

BCIT recognizes the value of scholarly activity in supporting the advancement of teaching practice, the advancement of the disciplines that constitute BCIT’s applied education programming, and the advancement of innovation both within BCIT and the greater teaching, academic and industry communities.

The Scholarly Activity Guideline outlines an institute-wide understanding of scholarly activity, and identifies resources available to support this activity at BCIT.


Check out the latest in our Simulation Centre of Excellence known as PRISM: The Polytechnic Research Institute of Simulation and Multimedia.

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

Register for an upcoming ISW workshop.

ESI Annual Report

See what the LTC was up to in 2021 in the annual report for the Education, Support and Innovation department.

Course Workload Estimator

A new tool for instructors: Course Workload Estimator

Do you know how much course work your course actually takes your students? This calculator will help you estimate the total course workload for your students to complete your course.

Use the tool when you are planning your course. Use it alongside when you are completing your course outline and course syllabus, and deciding on the activities and evaluation plan for your course. You will have an overall picture of the workload of your students, week-by-week, as well as for the total course.