Estimate your Full-Time Tuition and Fees
You can view or print the estimate cost for your chosen full-time program using the Tuition Estimator tool; see estimated tuition and fees for the entire program, and broken down by term.
Use this tool to find the approximate costs for BCIT’s full-time programs – including tuition, student association (BCITSA) and ancillary fees.
What will it cost to take a full-time program at BCIT?
Start by selecting your residency and then choosing a program. If applicable, choose a location.
Estimates are based on the 2024-25 academic year rates and are subject to change.
Additional information
- Costs are for budgeting purposes only, to be confirmed upon course registration.
- Mandatory U-Pass BC fees will be added to final costs.
- Each year BC post-secondary institutions may raise domestic tuition by 2 per cent; rates of increase for international tuition may vary.
- Learn more about fees and other costs.
- Visit archived tuition fee schedules.