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At BCIT, entrance requirements are program-specific. All programs require English 12, but the percentage required varies by program. Be sure to confirm your program’s specific English requirement before applying (e.g., 67% in English 12). If you have specific questions about English entrance requirements, contact BCIT Program Advising.

COMM 0015 English Competency Assessment

This is a computer-based assessment designed to help determine if your reading and writing skills are at a level necessary to meet the entrance requirements of BCIT full-time programs and part-time courses. This test can only be completed in-person at BCIT.

The total test time is approximately two hours. The test consists of two parts:

  1. Reading – a 20 multiple-choice test that includes questions focusing on understanding the purpose of a passage, interpreting ideas, understanding relationship between ideas, and drawing conclusions. The maximum time for this section is 60 minutes.
  2. Writing – a 300 to 600 word essay on a given topic. The maximum time for this section is 60 minutes.

BCIT uses AccuplacerTM for the COMM 0015 test. Part 1 is marked by computer. The essay in Part 2 is evaluated by at least two separate markers through BCIT’s Communication Department. You can get the reading test sample questions (Next-Generation Reading) as well as sample essays (WritePlacer) online.

View the COMM 0015 test dates. Register and pay to secure your place. The test fee is non-refundable.

COMM 0033 English Speaking and Listening Assessment

This is a computer-based assessment designed to help determine if your speaking and listening skills are at a level necessary to meet the entrance requirements of BCIT full-time programs and part-time courses. This test can only be completed in-person at BCIT.

The total test time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. The test consists of two parts:

1.  Speaking – This section consists of four speaking tasks. For each task, you will have one-minute to prepare your response, and then you will be expected to speak for one-minute into the microphone on your headset. Your responses will be recorded and assessed by trained evaluators.

  • Task 1: Reading a passage.
  • Task 2: Describing a picture.
  • Task 3: Giving reasons or expressing an opinion.
  • Task 4: Describing a past experience.

2.  Listening – This section consists of 20 multiple choice questions. While looking at pictures of the speakers on the computer, you will listen to a conversation or lecture. The question is then read, followed by the four answer choices. The maximum time for this section is 40 minutes.

The speaking test in Part 1 is evaluated by at least two separate markers through BCIT’s Communication Department. BCIT uses AccuplacerTM for the listening test in Part 2. The listening test is marked by computer.

There are no sample test questions available. COMM 0033 evaluates your overall English speaking and listening skills – and improving your overall speaking and listening skills is a long-term process. You need to do whatever it takes to improve your own skills. Check the Internet for ESL listening resources. You may also find it useful to practice recording yourself speaking: 1) reading short passages aloud with natural rhythm and 2) speaking continuously for one minute on a variety of topics.

Please note that each institution uses AccuplacerTM tests and scores differently to suit its needs. Thus, information found online about AccuplacerTM scores will not match BCIT’s specific score system, which is calibrated to match English Studies 12 levels.

View the COMM 0033 test dates. Register and pay to secure your place. The test fee is non-refundable.

How to register

To register for COMM 0015 or COMM 0033, simply click on the link or call Student Information and Enrolment Services at 604-434-1610.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

For additional information, please visit our COMM English Assessments FAQ page. This FAQ answers many questions about COMM 0015 and COMM 0033.


“Communication skills are critical for career success in technology fields. It’s essential that technologists are able to write a variety of documents, deliver presentations, give and follow instructions, work in teams, and conduct and participate in business meetings.”

Geoff Sale Manager, Technology Education & Standards ASTTBC Chair, Canadian Technology Accreditation Board