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enabling people to lead socially just lives within ecological limits

About Sustainability at BCIT

Image of green maple leaves.

Institute Sustainability leads a coordinated approach to sustainability at BCIT.

The BCIT Sustainability Vision defines sustainability as “enabling people to lead socially just lives within ecological limits.” We aim to inspire and mobilize change across industry and society for a sustainable future.

BCIT’s Policy 1010 Economic, Social, Environmental Sustainability is an umbrella policy that articulates seven aspirational goals to help guide our progress.

To measure progress toward sustainability, BCIT participates in AASHE STARS, SDG Accord, UI GreenMetric. BCIT also tracks its Ecological Footprint, the land necessary to produce the energy and materials used to operate the campuses, and assimilate wastes. Our aim is a four-fold reduction in the energy and materials we use while maintaining high quality service levels.