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Emergency Financial Assistance

Even with the best planning, emergencies can happen. If you have concerns about your financial situation due to an unexpected expense or change to your financial situation that is beyond your control, we recommend that you reach out to us to discuss your options. Emergency assistance might be available if you have emergency expenses and have exhausted all other financial resources. 

An Emergency Bursary is a non-repayable award that may be available for students who are experiencing emergency expenses that are beyond their control, and have exhausted all other financial resources. 

An Emergency Tuition Fee Deferral is a temporary extension to a tuition payment deadline that may be available for students who, due to unexpected circumstances beyond their control, need more time to make their tuition payment.

An Emergency Loan may be available for students who are experiencing an unexpected delay in receiving their student loans.

To further discuss eligibility requirements and apply for these supports, students must book an appointment with a Financial Aid and Awards Advisor. Please note that emergency funding is limited, and cannot be offered on a recurring basis. 

Contact Student Financial Aid and Awards to book an appointment.