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Our online courses are designed so that you can complete most of your learning activities, including collaboration and discussion, without having to be online at any specific time.

However, in some of our courses, you will be expected to interact with your class in a teleconference or video chat, facilitated by a BCIT faculty member, once or twice during the course. For those courses, the date and time of the first teleconference/video chat session will be listed within your D2L course.

Please log in to you courses to check to see if it has a scheduled teleconference or video chat session and arrange your personal and work schedule so that you can attend. Your participation in these teleconference/video chat sessions is not evaluated; however your participation is very important, as it will foster effective learning relationships within the class and enhance performance in the course. Below is some information to keep in mind:

  • You should arrive in the session approximately 10-minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Conferences are typically one hour in length.
  • Please inform your instructor three days in advance, if for some reason you will be unable to attend.
  • The 1-800 conference call number and discussion topics will be announced within the course.