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Technology has an impact on every aspect of our social lives, and in society in general. We are, for the most part, well aware of this, and yet we tend to oversimplify the issues. We often speak of technology on the assumption that its impact is either intrinsically positive or intrinsically negative as a whole, and often accept the idea that there is an inevitability regarding the whole process.

The reality of the impact of technology is nuanced. Technology must be understood and interpreted so we can be active players when engaging with it. Specific technologies can make our lives better or worse. They can help to make us better citizens or limit our freedoms.

This course will help you understand the landscape and develop informed opinions about the issues as you come to understand you don’t have to be fearful, but you do have to be careful.


There is so much misinformation out there, and so many reasons given for us to use one app or another, it’s hard not to remember the small print and what you are giving away every time you press a Save button. Even using my phone for parking means I’ve given them permission to access and use all my photos and contacts – Read the Terms of Use agreement!

I found this course helped me to understand the risks I’m taking when using technology and that awareness has helped me manage by own privacy and how I choose to use technology.

Sharon Tucker, Hospitality Manager

Course Details

Course Number: MOOC-0211

Course Title: Social Impact of Technology

Prerequisites: None

Completion Criteria: 80% or above on six module self-assessments

Completion Award: Digital Badge and printable Statement of Completion

Registration Fee: None

Audience: Anyone wanting to explore and understand the implications of technological change in our world.

  • Since it is difficult to understand the social impact of technology without understanding the technology itself, this course deals with both aspects of the topic. Technologies are first introduced and explained before their social impact is discussed.

Delivery Details: This is a self-study online course with no instructional support.

Time Commitment: 10 hours

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain how technology has changed money
  • Identify the effects of social media on individuals and society
  • Understand the risks of technology-based gaming
  • Understand the social impact of smart devices, artificial intelligence and robotics
  • Describe the benefits and risks of remote working and learning
  • Understand the future of renewables

To Register

  1. If you are new to BCIT, you will be required to create a BCIT account before registering for your course.
  2. Once you receive your BCIT ID (A0…) login and register for your course.

Once Registered

Note: If you are creating an account for the first time, it may take up to 24 hours before you are able to log in to BCIT to access your course.

  1. Access your online course at
  2. Login to BCIT’s Learning Hub with your email address and your password (provided in the confirmation of your account creation).
  3. Scroll down to your My Courses listing and click on the course link.