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Intercultural Awareness in Canadian Study/Work Environments

This course will help us all understand the challenges recently arrived immigrants face when coming to Canada to study or Work.  While Canada is a country that prides itself on cultural diversity, newcomers find that learning styles and workplace culture in Canada are significantly different than what they are used to in their home country. This course aims to help learners be aware of these differences and teach strategies for adapting to them.

Students in front of BCIT Burnaby

I was born in Canada, so not an immigrant, but I took this course to help me understand how I can better work with and support those new to Canada. I now understand some of the challenges they face and find that I’m far better at interacting, understanding and helping others to adapt to this new culture.

Daniel Fontaine

Course Details

Course number: MOOC-0201
Course title: Intercultural Awareness in Canadian Study/Work Environments
Prerequisites: None
Completion criteria: Review of all the course content
Completion award: Digital Badge
Registration fee: None


  • Recent immigrants to Canada who want to understand the learning and work environments in Canada and learn skills to help them succeed.
  • Anyone wanting insight into the challenges faced by new immigrants to better prepare them to offer support.

Delivery details

This is an independent study course consisting of five content modules. Students will follow a process of reading, watching videos, and completing reflective activities to help them think about their circumstances and past experiences as they plan to integrate the new ideas into their lives.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of intercultural awareness in Canadian study/work environments.
  2. List key intercultural differences as they affect Canadian study/work environments.
  3. Begin to develop personal intercultural adaptation strategies.

Time commitment

This course will take you between 8 and 10 hours to complete.

Completion Award

  • Statement of Completion
  • Digital Badge

To Register

Once Registered

Note: If you are creating an account for the first time, it may take up to 24 hours before you are able to log in to BCIT to access your course.

  1. Access your online course at
  2. Login with your BCIT email address and password.
  3. Scroll down to your My Courses listing and click on the course link.