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The future for BCIT

Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities

Our vision

Empowering people. Shaping BC. Inspiring global progress.

Our mission

Partnering learners and industry for success through workforce development.

We’re focusing on what sets BCIT apart: applied education and integration with industry.

We are also challenging ourselves to be more ambitious, more purposeful, and more integrated.

We are strengthening our commitment to improving the lives of the people who learn and work at BCIT.

Our values

Achieve excellence
Embrace innovation
Champion diversity & inclusion
Pursue collaboration
Engage with respect

Our guiding statements – vision, mission and values – are at the core of everything we do at BCIT.

Strategic priorities

Strategic Plan 2025-2030

Future Ready: Student Success for a Complex World. 

The Strategic Plan is our overarching document, setting out our commitments for the coming years.

There are four commitments and 13 initiatives that shape our Strategic Plan. We are focused on delivering excellence in everything we do, grounded in our vision of empowering people, shaping BC, and inspiring global progress.

Learn more about our Strategic Plan

Action plans & initiatives

We use action plans to focus on specific areas arising from the higher level Strategic Plan. These include:
