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Retiring from an active working stage of life, with all its pressures and deadlines, to a stage of life when you can do what you want when you want it is not always as easy as it sounds! Retirement can be challenging and stressful.

BCIT’s commitment to you is to make the transition as easy as possible and try to provide you with the information and support that will make your preparation and planning as smooth as possible.

Retirees’ Association

Retired BCIT employees are eligible for membership in the BCIT Retirees’ Association.

The objectives of the association are:

  • To preserve and promote the spirit of friendship formed at BCIT.
  • To provide a supportive bond to people who have retired from BCIT.
  • To publicize information beneficial to retirees.
  • To provide a way for member to support each other.
  • To support the values and objectives of BCIT.

Check out the BCIT Retirees’ Association for more information. Municipal Pension Plan retirees can also check out the Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association.

Lifestyle resources

Canadians approaching retirement represent a cross section of people with diverse and distinctive perceptions, expectations and aspirations about this next “life stage.” Whatever your interests are, you will quickly discover that life after retirement is busier than when you were working.

Whether you plan to travel, to go back to school, to start a second career or to pursue a hobby, there are resources available to you.

Groups, social networks and organizations

There are a variety of local, national and online organizations that you can join. Membership often includes discounts on travel, insurance, cultural attractions, entertainment and much more.

  • Canadian Association of Retired People (CARP) – a national organization committed to promoting and protecting the interests, rights and quality of life for Canadians as they age
  • Everything Zoomer – the leading Canadian Internet portal for Zoomers; the 14.5 million Canadians who are 45 plus
  • CURAC/ARUCC – Canadian federation of retiree associations at colleges and universities

Websites and articles

Getting to know what information is available to you, and where it is, can be challenging. To help you get started, we’ve provided links to some reputable sites and articles.




One of the perks of retirement is that many travel agencies, airlines, hotels and associations offer travel discounts for people over 50. Below are a few links to get you started on your journey!

  • and CARP – check out the travel sections for discounts and resources
  • Flight Discounts – a list of Canadian and International airlines that offer discounts
  • Transitions Abroad – an informative and resource-intensive website
  • Elder Treks – an adventure travel company designed exclusively for people 50 and over
  • Walking the World – travel for people with adventurous souls
  • Road Scholar – a not-for-profit leader in educational travel