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BCIT is committed to providing a learning and working environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. Please read BCIT’s Policy 7507 [PDF], and Procedure 7507 PR1 Harassment and Discrimination, for definitions of:

  • Discrimination as it applies to BCIT students and employees;
  • Harassment;
  • Sexual Harassment;
  • Personal Harassment;
  • Bullying and Harassment per WorkSafe BC.

Protected Characteristics

According to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal these are the Protected Characteristics:

  • Age
  • Ancestry
  • Colour
  • Family Status
  • Gender Identity
  • Gender Expression
  • Indigenous Identity
  • Marital Status
  • Mental or Physical Disability
  • Place of Origin
  • Political Belief (employment)
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Lawful Source of Income (tenancy)
  • Unrelated Criminal or Summary Conviction (employment)

For more information please visit the BC Human Rights Commission site

What to do

Members of the BCIT community are encouraged whenever possible to resolve problems informally and, where necessary, to request assistance from the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office.

If you believe you are being subjected to harassment or discrimination, you should keep a written record of the incident or incidents of the harassment or discrimination including such information as dates, times, what happened and names of witnesses, if any.

Advise the individual you believe has harassed you or discriminated against you, that the behaviour is unacceptable and ask them to stop. If this is too intimidating or inappropriate, or if the attempt to stop the offending behaviour is unsuccessful, then you should seek assistance from the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office.

If the harassment or discrimination persists, or if the perceived discrimination is systemic or relates to an Institute policy, you should speak to any of the following:

  • The Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office,
  • If you are a student, you should speak to the Instructor, Program Head, Department Head, Associate Dean, Registrar, a Counselor, and/or an Executive of the Student Association or the Director of the Student Association,
  • If you are an employee, you should speak to your supervisor, or where the supervisor is the alleged harasser, the manager the supervisor reports to,
  • If you are a member of a bargaining unit, you may also wish to speak to your shop steward, or individual responsible for human rights within your bargaining unit.

Instructors, Department Heads, Program Heads, Associate Deans, the Registrar, Counselors, the Vice President, Student Affairs of the Student Association, Supervisors, Managers or bargaining unit representatives who have been approached by a Complainant may contact the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office in confidence for advice on how to proceed or they may refer the Complainant to the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office.

Am I being bullied?

Everyone has the right to a learning and working environment free of bullying and personal harassment.

Workplace Bullying and Personal Harassment is prohibited conduct at BCIT. Please see BCIT’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy for the formal definitions.

Personal harassment, generally refers to unwelcome remarks, behaviours, or communications directed toward an individual or group which misuses authority, or abuses the power. Misuse or abuse of power occurs when it has the effect or purpose of seriously abusing, threatening, demeaning, or intimidating the individual or group of individuals, and interferes with work or educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Bullying and Harassment includes any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards an employee that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that employee to be humiliated or intimidated.

It is important to note however, that not all negative interactions are considered bullying or personal harassment. Often, what may feel like bullying is actually a result of interpersonal conflict, poor communication skills, or lack of clear expectations.

We have created this Am I being bullied tip sheet [PDF] to help you.

Harassment & Discrimination Flow Chart

As a first step, all BCIT community members should consider raising their concerns directly with the person whose behaviour, comments, or actions are concerning.

  • This is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.
  • Do this only if you feel safe doing so.
  • The best way to approach this is by objectively describing the behaviour, comments, or action that concerned you along with the impact it had on you. Do this without making assumptions about their intent.  You can find additional information about how to effectively provide this feedback on the RDI website.
  • Often the other person will be unaware of the impact their actions or comments had on you until you tell them.
  • Many times, this is the quickest and easiest way to address concerning behaviour.
  • However, even if the situation is resolved to your satisfaction, consider documenting the incident in case the issue should reoccur in the future. This can be as simple as sending yourself an emailing outlining what occurred, by whom, when, and what steps you took to address it.

If speaking to the other party does not resolve your concern, or if you do not feel comfortable doing so you have many options for assistance.

    • You can use this chart [PDF] to help you determine who you can speak to for information about how to address your concerns.
    • Depending on the specifics of your concern, you may be provided with options to address the matter informally.
    • However, in some cases you may prefer to pursue a formal complaint [PDF].

Complaint Option Table

If you have concerns relating to bullying, harassment, or discrimination we encourage you to consider raising the concern directly with the person whose comments or actions are concerning, if you feel safe and comfortable doing so.  If this does not resolve your concern or you do not wish to attempt this you can seek advice and assistance from the RDI office in trying to address the issue informally.  However, in some cases an individual may choose to pursue a formal complaint of harassment, bullying, or discrimination.  It is important to note that individuals can choose only one complaint process within BCIT to pursue a formal a complaint on this nature.  Anyone considering pursuing a formal complaint is encouraged to discuss their options with their union representative or student advocate.  This document [PDF] is intended to provide a very brief overview of each formal complaint option.

Procedures and Limitations

The Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion (RDI) office is a resource to the BCIT community involving issues and concerns relating to discrimination, bullying and harassment and follows the procedure set out in BCIT Procedure 7507-PR1 [PDF]Harassment & Discrimination. 

The Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office is not an advocate or representative for any party to a complaint.

When the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion representative becomes involved in a complaint of discrimination or bullying and harassment, emphasis is placed on the pursuit of an informal, safe, and mediated resolution to the complaint, to the satisfaction of all parties.

When such an outcome is not available, the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion representative may investigate the merits of the complaint and provide an opinion on whether discrimination or bullying and harassment occurred, and make recommendations where appropriate including recommendations for discipline.

Quick Links if you witness or experience harassment and/or discrimination

Services Available

For Everyone at BCIT

  • Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion Office SW01 1550 778.554.3190 or
  • Safety and Security 604.451.6856

For Students

  • Student Association Advocacy Office 604.456.1161 or 604.432.8279
  • BCIT Student Life Office 604.431.4972 or 604.451.6863
  • Student Health Services 604.432.8608
  • Student Counselling 604.432.8608
  • Early Assist

For Staff

  • Human Resources 604.432.8384
  • Union Representatives:
    • Faculty & Staff Association 604.432.8695
    • BCGEU Support Staff 778.996.9504
    • BCGEU Faculty 604.456.1162

Board of Inquiry Procedures [PDF]

Policies and Guidelines

BCIT is committed to providing a learning and working environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Please read BCIT’s Policy 7507 [PDF]Harassment and Discrimination, for definitions of:

  • Discrimination as it applies to BCIT students and employees;
  • Harassment;
  • Sexual Harassment;
  • Personal Harassment;
  • Bullying and Harassment per WorkSafe BC.

BCIT Policies, procedures, guidelines and additional resources relating to discrimination, bullying and harassment include:

Internal Resources
External Resources