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In recognition of Anti-Racism Awareness

BCIT confirms their commitment creating a learning and working environment that is actively engaged in the elimination of racism and discrimination. In 2021 BCIT released the Anti-Racism Framework. which was formed as a result of months of research and consultation with the RDI Office, Anti-Racism Working Group, and members of the BCIT community. The Framework, identified four priority areas; Education and Raising Awareness; Data Collection, Analysis, and Utilization; Human Resources and Policy; and Inclusive Learning Environments. The priority actions aim to address racism against Indigenous people, Black and African Diaspora communities, and all other racialized groups including intersecting identities of ethnicity, country of origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and neurodiversity. Implementation of most of the initiatives identified in the Anti-Racism Framework have already begun though it is recognized that much of the work is ongoing and requires an Institute-wide commitment that requires collaboration with many departments.

We encourage you to take some time and make a commitment to helping us create a better community.

For further information please click on these links below:

BCIT aspires and commits to creating a learning and working environment that is actively engages in the elimination of racism and discrimination.

BCIT acknowledges that racism exists within our community, just as it does within the broader community, both on an individual level as well as systemically. To further this goal, BCIT’s Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion team formed an Anti-Racism Working Group and developed an Anti-Racism Framework.

Priorities for Action

The BCIT Anti-Racism Working Group identified four key priority actions to advance anti-racism, including short-term goals and longer-term aspirations:

  • Education and raising awareness: Building awareness that racism of different forms exists everywhere, educating the BCIT community about the various forms that racism can take, and developing approaches to preventing or addressing racism.
  • Data collection, analysis, and utilization: Using data to increase our understanding of the impacts of race on student and staff recruitment, retention and advancement, as well as the broader experiences of racialized staff at BCIT.
  • Human resources and policies: Enacting strategies that will result in greater racial diversity in hiring; reviewing and adjusting policies to enable racial equity for staff and students; and applying a lens of anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion in all new endeavours, including curriculum development, long-term strategic planning, campus development, and space and event planning.
  • Inclusive learning environments: Creating an environment where students feel a sense of belonging and respect at BCIT by enacting strategies within programs, co-curricular activities, and services that contribute to a more racially inclusive and aware environment.

BCIT Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office statement on human rights situation in Iran [PDF]

On behalf of BCIT, we wish to express our support for the women, students, and courageous people of Iran who are risking their lives and freedom in support of gender equity and human rights.

BCIT standing in solidarity against racism and injustice statement [PDF]

We have witnessed and heard about the many incidents of race-based violence within Canada and around the world. This ongoing struggle has highlighted the systemic racism that persists against Indigenous, Black, and other People of Colour (IBPoC). They are continually subjected to harassment, discrimination, and violence, rooted in white supremacy and racism.

Do you need help?

Mental health and wellness supports are available for students through Counselling & Student Development and for staff and faculty through Homewood Health.

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment while studying or working at BCIT please contact the Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion office.