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Definitions [PDF]

BCIT quick facts

Student demographics

Student Demographic information is sourced from BCIT’s Student Information System and reports are produced annually by the BCIT Institutional Research and Planning department. This section includes current and historical information about gender, age, residence, and enrolments.

Student survey results

BCIT surveys current BCIT students to gain important insights into student experiences. Recurring surveys are conducted once every two years, while other surveys are conducted on an ad-hoc basis. Reports and surveys are produced by the BCIT Institutional Research and Planning department. Student privacy is of utmost important to BCIT and rigorous steps are taken to ensure student data remains confidential.

Enrolments & credentials

Enrolment and credential information is sourced from BCIT’s Student Information System and reports are produced annually by the BCIT Institutional Research and Planning department. This section includes current and historical information about student counts (enrolments), Full-time Equivalencies (FTEs), and credentials awarded by credential type. For more detailed definitions, please see Definitions [PDF].

Graduate outcomes

Graduate outcomes information is sourced from BC Graduate Outcomes and the reports are produced annually by the BCIT Institutional Research and Planning department. This section contains current and historical employment information about former BCIT students. For more information, please visit Graduate Outcomes.


Employee information is sourced from BCIT Human Resources and Financial Services departments and the reports are produced annually by the BCIT Institutional Research and Planning department. This section contains current and historical information about employee headcounts by bargaining unit and gender.

Other information

This section contains the 2017 BCIT Economic Impact Report as well as links to the BCIT Foundation and BCIT Financial Services.