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Supporting students: The 4R framework

The last 10 years have seen a marked increase in the complexity of student struggles in post-secondary institutions across Canada, which leads to increased responsibility on faculty and staff. Responding promptly and effectively to students in need leads to better academic performance, increased student retention, and higher overall quality of education.

Students’ needs can be complex, and it can be difficult to know what steps to take to support a student who may be struggling. However, it is made easier by remembering these 4 Rs for supporting students in need:

  • Recognize
  • Respond
  • Refer
  • Reconnect

Full details about the 4R Framework are available on the Loop. Download the 4R Framework pamphlet, as well as other materials and resources, from the Student Life Office Loop page.

Not sure whether to submit a referral? When in doubt, fill one out.