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All BCIT employees who are involved in teaching or teaching related activities are eligible to apply for an Instructional Enhancement Grant of up to $10,000. Grants will be awarded to provide funding for educational initiatives that enhance teaching and learning at BCIT. Grants will be awarded and administered according to the information set out on this page.

Note: There is a 3 (three) year maximum to complete your grant from the date your approval letter is sent to you. If time extends beyond this date, approval of the Faculty Development Co-ordinator and Instructional Development Committee is required.

Funding awarded for teaching or teaching-related activities will be treated as employment income, subject to all applicable deductions/contributions (i.e., Pension, CPP, EI, and income tax) and processed as a PTS contract by Payroll at BCIT. Please note that applicants will thus receive the net amount after deducting the employee’s share of all applicable statutory withholdings, not the gross amount of the award; such amount will be reported on the applicant’s T4 at the end of the calendar year in which it is received.

Grant application process

  1. Review the Instructional Enhancement Grant information on this page.
  2. Download the application [PDF] and save it on your computer
  3. Send your completed form to
  4. Submit your application according to the application deadline dates.

Proposals will be judged according to the following criteria:

  1. Educational Impact: What is the potential impact on teaching and learning effectiveness or efficiency; i.e., what difference will the proposed project make to the teaching/learning process at BCIT.
  2. Applicability to Other Members of the BCIT Community: To what degree can the project deliverables be used by other faculty, students, programs and schools.
  3. Opportunities for Innovation: Does the project represent something new, untried or significantly different from the status quo? Will it open up new possibilities or opportunities, solve an instructional problem, field test new or untried educational technology or replicate educational research from another jurisdiction.
  4. Joint Support: What other resources are available to help fund the project, e.g., pooled PD funds, program or school resources, external funds, personal resources etc.

Application Deadline

All funds have been allocated for this year, but we will be accepting applications again next fiscal year in April 2025. Check the website for notice of the grant application window in spring 2025.

Instructional enhancement grants recipients

2024/2025 Spring [PDF]

2023/2024 Spring [PDF]

2022/2023 Fall [PDF]

2022/2023 Spring[PDF]

2021/2022 Fall [PDF]

2021/2022 Spring [DOCX]

2020/2021 Fall [DOCX]

2020/2021 Spring [DOCX]

2019/2020 [DOCX]

2018/2019 [PDF]

Allowable budget items

The following budget items will be considered for funding:

  1. For full-time teaching employees, payment of the grant can be: either through release time which is calculated according to the Collective Agreement that applies: or a temporary contract (according to the Collective Agreement that applies) or a temporary contract (yellow contract) in combination with release time (according to the Collective Agreement that applies).
  2. For part-time teaching employees, payment of the grant will be through a temporary contract (yellow contract) in accordance with the Collective Agreement that applies.
    Note: Any employee, either full-time or part-time, who will exceed 100% of a regular workload by accepting the grant must, in the application, justify that their normal workload will not be compromised.
  3. Selected computer software and minor hardware upgrades if not available on campus.
  4. Conference fees. Requests for conference fees must include itemized expenses and a conference brochure.
  5. Travel expenses for conferences and site visits. (TREK funds may apply)
  6. Acknowledgement of support by the Learning and Teaching Centre is support is required.
  7. Fee for service from external consultants. Fees for external consultants will only be considered when some very specific and highly specialized expertise is not available within the Institute. The granting of such fees will be subject to close scrutiny by the Faculty and Staff Association and must be approved through the RTUNES process. Applicants should be aware that such requests may take some time to process.

Items NOT considered for funding include:
Computer hardware and related equipment, for example:

  • a laptop or desktop computer
  • a scanner
  • any software or hardware readily available on campus

Food items.

Grant conditions

The project must include the following deliverables:

  1. Submission of a detailed proposal
  2. Submission of a progress report (partial payment may be made at this time)*
  3. Meeting with Instructional Development Committee representative to show evidence of accomplishments*
  4. Submission of a Final Report [DOCX] or sample project deliverables
  5. Workshop presentation for program/school colleagues and/or institute community

*requires sign-off from the Instructional Development Committee.