- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
The tuition portion of this course is FREE for Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents. However, all students will still need to pay the ancillary Service Fees. For more details, see the Important Information below. This course meets the Physics 12 entrance requirement for BCIT programs. This course offers an introduction to physics and its basic principles. Emphasis is placed on good problem-solving techniques and practical applications relevant to BCIT. Topics include linear and rotational kinematics and dynamics, in one and two dimensions, equilibrium, work, energy and power, electrostatics, magnetism, DC circuits and electromagnetic induction.
- Physics 11 or equivalent
Domestic fees
Related Programs
Technology Entry Physics 2 (PHYS 0312) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
School of Computing and Academic Studies
- Technology Entry (TE)
Credential not offered by BCIT Full-time
Course Offerings
Winter 2025
Below is one offering of PHYS 0312 for the Winter 2025 term.
CRN 89622
Jan 14 - Apr 22 In Progress
- CRN 89622
- $763.84 Domestic fees
Class meeting times
14 weeks
Michael Harder
Course outline
Important information
- Internet delivery format.
- Important course information will be sent to you prior to your course start date. Check your myBCIT email account to access this information.
- International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
- ** IMPORTANT INFORMATION - READ CAREFULLY AND READ IN FULL BEFORE REGISTERING ** The TUITION portion of this course ($740.90) is FREE for Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents. However, ALL students will still need to pay the ancillary SERVICE FEES ($22.94) such as Student Activity fee, Student Technology fee. If you are registering through the online system and are exempt from payment of the TUITION portion, a fee waiver will be applied to your account within 2 business days. Please log into your my.bcit.ca account to make payment for the service fees. BCIT must receive the service fee payment within 2 business days from the time you register. This payment is required in order for you to secure a seat in the course. If you have any questions, call Student Information and Enrolment Services 604-434-1610 to waive your tuition fee and assist you with the service fee payment. This course will be delivered online via Learning Hub (learn.bcit.ca), therefore a computer with internet access is required. It is important that students sign into their myBCIT email account PRIOR to the course start date to review any messages sent by the instructor. A detailed course schedule will be provided as a guide, and students may complete the majority of the course asynchronously. However, students must be available on January 14, for a course introduction, and on February 11, March 25 and April 22 for online tests. Optional, weekly question and answer sessions will also be held. There is NO CLASS during spring break on March 11 and 13. Lab exercises have been designed for completion at home using common household items. Students may need to purchase some low-cost supplies (e.g., a balloon), but the total cost will not exceed approximately $10. A free electronic textbook will be provided. Students can expect to spend 4 - 6 hours reviewing lecture videos and another 5 - 8 hours completing assignments or lab exercises each week. It is the student’s responsibility to determine the grade they need to meet the requirement for their desired technology. If the course is full, check the website daily as seats may become available when students withdraw before the start date. WE DO NOT KEEP A WAITING LIST. Email fiona_shortt@bcit.ca to be added to next term’s registration date notification list. Ensure your subject line follows this format: SUBJECT LINE: PHYS 0312, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, ADD NAME TO NOTIFICATION
In Progress
This course offering is in progress. Please check back next term or subscribe to receive email updates.
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.