- International Fees
International fees are typically 3.12 times the domestic tuition. Exact cost will be calculated upon completion of registration.
Course Overview
This introductory course will review the process of Master Planning at airports and the requirements for certification of airports in Canada. Students will complete a thorough analysis of a potential airport site based on an analysis of the aviation demand, the environmental impact of aviation operations in the surrounding area, the economic effect on the airports' community and other relevant factors.
- Retired
- This course has been retired and is no longer offered. Find other Flexible Learning courses that may interest you.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Identify the content of and explain the purpose of an airport master plan.
- Identify data to be compiled from issues, conditions and forecasts for the purpose of master planning analysis.
- Explain how to analyze the gathered data and develop reports.
- Produce a site selection report for an airport.
- Describe the environmental data that must be analyzed for the plan.
- Identify various plans and their content included on and implemented within a master plan.
- Identify all of the prominent airside features and facilities.
- Describe the requirements for certification of an airport in Canada.
- Describe the requirements for certification of an airport in the United States as FARS 139).
Effective as of Spring/Summer 2007
Related Programs
Airport Master Planning and Certification (AVAO 1190) is offered as a part of the following programs:
- Indicates programs accepting international students.
School of Transportation
- Airport Operations
Associate Certificate Part-time
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.