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Carpool with Colleagues

Image of two people carpooling.

The road to work driving you crazy? Gas prices leaving you fuming? Carpooling is a simple way to take part in an alternate means of commuting that reduces traffic congestion and greenhouse gases, saves money and lowers stress. Still not convinced? How does helping those who have limited access to public transportation get to where they need to go, having the time to get to know your neighbour, getting a chance to make new friends and network, catching up on reading/sleeping suit you? We got you with that extra sleep one, didn’t we!

BCIT actively supports SOV-free (single-occupancy vehicle) commutes. So buckle up and give it a go using some of the resources listed below.

The basics

There’s more to carpooling than just hopping into the next passing vehicle. Here are a few basics to consider before jumping into the (car)pool. Be sure to find out:

  • Who’s driving?
  • Is smoking or eating okay?
  • Is perfume okay?
  • What are the costs?
  • Where/when do you meet? Some flexibility is good, but agree on a schedule and remember to determine how long you will wait for someone who is late.
  • Will there be extra stops? Are stops for coffee, daycare, etc. okay?
  • Is there a back-up plan? For those rare occasions when the car just won’t start…

Get going

Start talking to your colleagues and friends to find out if they travel the same time and direction you do. Commitment issues? Try carpooling one day a week or for special events just to see if you like it.

Do a little or do a lot; every trip makes a difference!