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Driving Innovation and Improvement in Performance Measurement and Management

International Ecocity Standards

An initiative of Ecocity Builders to which the BCIT School of Construction and Environment and Dr. Jennie Moore have served as lead academic adviser, the International Ecocity Standards (IES) provide an innovative vision for an ecologically restorative human civilization as well as a practical methodology for assessing and guiding progress towards this ambitious goal. The IES have already demonstrated their value in helping local governments identify practical pathways towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The IES also scale effectively from small communities to large metropolitan areas.

There are 18 Standards, grouped around four pillars:

  1. Urban design
  2. Bio-geophysical conditions
  3. Socio-cultural features
  4. Ecological imperatives

Designed for a wide range of users, including novices and experts, the IES provide a diagnostic tool for cities and citizens to measure progress towards ecocity conditions—from existing conditions to ‘threshold’ Ecocity Standards and beyond.


Urban Design

  • Access by proximity
  • Safe and affordable housing
  • Green building
  • Environmentally friendly transportation

Bio-geo physical features

  • Air
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Material resources
  • Energy
  • Food

Socio-cultural features

  • Culture
  • Community capacity and governance
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Well being

Ecological Imperatives

  • Biodiversity
  • Carrying capacity
  • Ecological integrity