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Course Outlines

FIRE 1050

Electrical and Electronics for Fire Protection Inspection

School School of Energy
Program Fire Protection Inspection and Testing
Course Credits 4
Minimum Passing Grade 70%
Start Date February 02, 2019
End Date March 30, 2019
Total Hours 48
Total Weeks 8
Hours/Weeks 6
Delivery Type Lecture/Lab
CRN 83399

Acknowledgement of Territories

The British Columbia Institute of Technology acknowledges that our campuses are located on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish Nations of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), and xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam).

Instructor Details

Name Michael Robinsmith
E-mail Instructor to provide
Location SE 1 - Room 201
Office Hours Instructor to provide

Course Description

An introductory course in electrical circuits and electronics for those intending to take further courses in fire protection inspection and testing. Topics include electrical safety, parallel and series circuits, AC and DC circuits, schematic diagrams, electrical measurement, and the Canadian Electrical Code. Focus is on requirements and measurement of electrical components related to inspection of fire protection equipment including wiring, power supplies, battery systems, relays, and sensing devices. Previous knowledge of electronics is not required. Theory is reinforced with hands-on practice.

Course Learning Outcomes/Competencies

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Work safely with electrical equipment.
  • Describe the characteristics of electrical and electronic devices used in fire protection systems.
  • Describe how the Canadian Electrical Code applies to fire protection systems.
  • Interpret labelling on electrical components.
  • Read electrical schematic drawings.
  • Test basic electrical and electronic devices used in fire protection systems.
  • Calculate current, voltage, and power in series, parallel, and series-parallel DC circuits.
  • Measure voltage, current and resistance in electrical circuits.
  • Locate faults in basic series, parallel and series-parallel DC circuits.

Learning Resources


CFAA 3 text book available at the BCIT Bookstore - MUST HAVE by second class
Clamp On Electrical Meter that has both AC AND DC volts and amps

Evaluation Criteria

Criteria % Comments
Assignments 20%
Mid Term Quiz 30%
Labs 10%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%

BCIT Policy

The following statements are in accordance with the BCIT Policies 5101, 5102, 5104, and 7507, and their accompanying procedures. To review these policies and procedures please click on the links below.

In case of illness or other unavoidable cause of absence, the student must communicate as soon as possible with his/her instructor or Program Head or Chief Instructor, indicating the reason for the absence. Students who are seeking accommodation for a medical absence must have a BCIT approved medical certificate submitted to the department, substantiating the reason for absence. For other absences, the student should be prepared to provide appropriate supporting documentation. Unapproved absence in excess of the prescribed regulations within this outline may result in failure or forced withdrawal from the course or program. Please see Policy 5101 - Student Regulations, and accompanying procedures.

Academic Integrity:
Violation of academic integrity, including plagiarism, dishonesty in assignments, examinations, or other academic performances are prohibited and will be handled in accordance with Policy 5104 - Academic Integrity and Appeals, and accompanying procedures.

Any student who may require accommodation from BCIT because of a physical or mental disability should refer to BCIT's Policy on Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Policy #4501), and contact BCIT's Accessibility Services (SW1 2360, 604-451-6963) at the earliest possible time. Requests for accommodation must be made to Accessibility Services, and should not be made to a course instructor or Program area.

Any student who needs special assistance in the event of a medical emergency or building evacuation (either because of a disability or for any other reason) should promptly inform their course instructor(s) and Accessibility Services of their personal circumstances.

Human Rights, Harassment and Discrimination:
The BCIT community is made up of individuals from every ability, background, experience and identity, each contributing uniquely to the richness and diversity of the BCIT community as a whole. In recognition of this, and the intrinsic value of our diversity, BCIT seeks to foster a climate of collaboration, understanding and mutual respect between all members of the community and ensure an inclusive accessible working and learning environment where everyone can succeed.

Campus Mediation Services is a supportive resource for both students and employees of BCIT, to foster a respectful learning and working environment. Any student who feels that they are experiencing discrimination or harassment (personal or human rights-related) can confidentially access this resource for advice and support. Please see Policy 7507 – Harassment and Discrimination and accompanying procedure.

Students should make themselves aware of additional Education, Administration, Safety and other BCIT policies listed at

Guidelines for School of Energy

Students must successfully complete a course within a maximum of three (3) attempts at the course. Students with two attempts in a single course will be allowed to repeat the course only upon special written permission from the Associate Dean. Students who have not successfully completed a course within three attempts will not be eligible to graduate from their respective program.


I verify that the content of this course outline is current.
Joe Robinsmith, Instructor
January 30, 2019

I verify that this course outline has been reviewed.
Neil Munro, PTS Coordinator
February 01, 2019

I verify that this course outline has been reviewed and complies with BCIT policy.
Brent Dunn, Associate Dean
February 02, 2019

Note: Should changes be required to the content of this course outline, students will be given reasonable notice.