The priority initiative for the Rivers Institute has worked to protect the gravel reach of the Fraser River, also known as the ‘Heart of the Fraser,’ from habitat loss resulting from industrial development, agricultural expansion and urban encroachment. The gravel reach from Hope to Chilliwack was unique to the entire 1,375 km Fraser River ecosystem and was critical spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids and threatened white sturgeon.
From a fluvial geomorphic perspective, the five main islands in the gravel reach (Herrling, Carey, Strawberry, Paulson and Minto Islands) were floodplain islands that provided essential fish habitat at various times of the year. These floodplain islands were functionally an extension of the river bed and were continually eroded and re-formed by natural fluvial processes, hence, there was no intensive land use compatible with maintaining the ecological integrity of these islands.
Currently, the Rivers Institute, BC Wildlife Federation, Outdoor Recreation Council of BC and Watershed Watch are exploring strategies and options to protect these islands in perpetuity, including purchase at assessed value.