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Episode 2: Ecocities beyond the “eco”

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Building cities has traditionally meant altering or destroying the natural environment, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Cities along the Cascadia Corridor, like Vancouver, British Columbia, are setting a new standard in which people and nature can coexist, proving to have a beneficial relationship. We hear from Christina Olsen from the BCIT Centre for Ecocities about her vision for healthy urban centres, and from international rivers expert and founder of World Rivers Day, Mark Angelo, about why it’s vital to protect and restore the natural features within our urban limits.

“Ecocities are really all about balance and health. It’s more than just the environment, and it’s more than just the ‘eco’. It’s also about the people in it, the well-being, the health and the social justice aspects of how we live.”

– Christina Olsen, BCIT Centre for Ecocities

In this episode

In episode 2, we hear from Christina Olsen from the BCIT Centre for Ecocities about her vision for healthy urban centres, and from international rivers expert and founder of World Rivers Day, Mark Angelo, about why it’s vital to protect and restore the natural features within our urban limits.


3:42 Ecocities

7:15 Natural Systems

14:44 Ecocity Movement