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Skills for a Digital World


Digital Transformation

New models of business operation like telecommuting & telework, online collaboration, and global marketplaces are transforming the way we work. There is a rapidly growing need to understand the concepts of digital privacy, 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and the role of social media in business.

Internet of Things

Fundamentals of IoT (APRE 5101) 

This online Flexible Learning course is designed to introduce you to the use, benefits and impact of Internet of Things (IoT) not only in industry and business but in our day-to-day lives.  You will learn how data is communicated, collected, analyzed and abstracted, and delivered to the end user to make life safer, more efficient and to assist in achieving better data to make better decisions.

Applied Internet of Things (APRE 5102)

This course expands on how IoT will change the way we work and live, and the challenges inherent in adopting this new technology. This course is open to anyone interested in learning how IoT can be used in key market segments, from utilities to digital health care to smart transportation, using real-world case studies chosen to demonstrate innovative and cutting-edge applications of IoT. Decision-makers who are called upon to evaluate and implement IoT solutions will appreciate the creative solutions offered by IoT.

Courses to come in 2023:

IoT Workshop – A workshop assisting students to setup an IoT application with a hands on approach. Students will learn to install a smart device and manage the device data in the cloud.