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Operationalization of the Tech Collider at the Downtown Campus

BWBN Canada – BCIT Technology Event 2022.09.23

I am very pleased to share an update on the Strategic Plan deliverable I’m leading, which falls under our commitment to future-proof applied education and the initiative for augmented and sustainable environments.

The Tech Collider is an exciting new learning centre, on the second floor of our Downtown Campus (DTC). With a focus on engaging BCIT students and the tech industry, this initiative will support the expansion of our technology program capacity. It will also serve as an innovative new learning environment, featuring industry-sponsored events, and programming. Students and faculty at DTC will have access to enhanced learning resources and services, including peer tutoring, 3D printing, and makerspace services.

At this point, we are working closely with our industry partners in the tech sector, and we are collaborating with a collective of tech companies and entrepreneurs, who are committed to supporting our Tech Collider programs and industry/student project opportunities. The renovations to the DTC spaces are now almost fully completed, and we’re now open to hosting events and engagements.

The Tech Collider presents new ways of engaging with our industry partners, and I’m looking forward to sparking new conversations and connections as we develop these opportunities. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Tech Collider, please feel free to reach out to me directly for more information.

James Rout
Associate Vice President, Education Support and Innovation

Commitment: Future-proof applied education
Initiative: Augmented and sustainable environments
Deliverable: Operationalization of the Tech Collider at the Downtown Campus
Deliverable lead:  James Rout, Associate Vice President, Education Support and Innovation