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Expansion of microcredentials, both direct to learners and through associations and corporations

microcredential descriptions

I am sharing an update on the Strategic Plan deliverable I’m leading, which falls under our commitment to delivering future-proof applied education. More specifically, on the expansion of microcredentials, both direct to learners and through associations and corporations, establishing BCIT as the provincial provider of choice.

Microcredentials at BCIT are short, stackable, transferable, and offers competency-based learning opportunities. They are designed to respond to learner and industry needs and focus on upskilling, reskilling, or co-skilling.

To date, we have awarded more than 560 program microcredentials and over 1,140 course badges — and this is just the start! Many successful implementations so far include:

  • Mass Timber Construction which now ladders into an Associate Certificate
  • Environmental Social Governance in partnership with the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
  • Advanced Forensic Nurse Examiner
  • Cybersecurity for Professionals
  • Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment
  • Sonography (breast and musculoskeletal)
  • Scriptwriting
  • Electric Vehicle Service

Learn more about these implementations and the full list of current microcredential offerings by visiting the BCIT Microcredentials website.

These offerings range from microcredentials to provide learners who are new to post-secondary a better understanding of areas of potential study, people investigating or starting a new career, and experienced professionals who are interested in obtaining specialized skills in emerging areas of their field.

Our goal is to expand our microcredential offerings and identify new and exciting pathways into and after our programs. There is a tremendous opportunity to secure external funding to develop, pilot, market, and secure student wrap around supports such as tuition subsidies for these new initiatives.

If you have a competency specific course or looking to meet an industry need that you would like to badge and bundle into a small microcredential program, please reach out to me. I also encourage you to visit our resources page on ShareSpace for more information about the microcredential framework and approval process.

Thank you,

Eric Fry
Associate Dean, Agile and Work Integrated Learning

Commitment: Future-proof applied education
Initiative:  Interdisciplinary and integrative learning
Deliverable: Expansion of microcredentials, both direct to learners and through associations and corporations, establishing BCIT as the provincial provider of choice
Deliverable lead: Eric Fry, Associate Dean, Agile and Work Integrated Learning