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Launch of hub for workforce services

Resources Education and the Labour Market website

I am sharing an update on the Strategic Plan deliverable I’m leading, which falls under our commitment to future-proof applied education, and the initiative for interdisciplinary and integrative learning.

Resources for Education and the Labour Market (RELM) is a resource hub to service students in transition, industry, and global partners. Its goal is to be a platform that supports agile learning, work-integrated learning, and industry partnerships. RELM also supplies education technology solutions for partners both internal and external to BCIT.

With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have needed to adjust our timeline and focus in response to the impact on BCIT operations. To date, the RELM team has been developing tools to assist program areas in managing students and courses in the new reality. The updated timetable platform has allowed programs in the School of Business and Media to customize their delivery of remote learning, thereby increasing student engagement. For programs operating in a blended environment—such as Broadcast Communications—we have developed software that ensures accurate contact tracing of on-campus students and efficient cleaning and disinfecting cycles for specialized equipment and rooms.

The economic and social impact of COVID-19 has created a greater need and urgency for flexible models that allow people to transition into the workforce by receiving training and education customized to our current reality. As the RELM platform comes online and matures, the next steps are to reach out to our industry partners and the greater community; both to make them aware of our capabilities and to further customize our models to meet the rapidly changing environment.

Thank you,

Kevin Wainwright
Associate Dean, School of Business and Media

Commitment: Future-proof applied education
Initiative: Interdisciplinary and integrative learning
Deliverable: Launch of hub for workforce services
Deliverable Lead: Kevin Wainwright, Associate Dean, School of Business and Media