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Wise water management means conservation. Through conservation efforts, BCIT has reduced total water consumption by 60%, but further conservation efforts are necessary, and economic.

The less water we use, the less wastewater we produce. Implementing grey water recycling (filtering and sanitizing water from taps for re-use in toilets) on just the Burnaby campus toilets could save BCIT $35,230/year.

Leaking faucets

Fixing a dripping tap can save up to 300 litres of drinking water per week.

If you see a leaking faucet on campus, please report it to Facilities Services. Taking this action not only conserves a precious resource, it also conserves the energy needed to pump, heat and treat our water.

It also means ensuring that wastewater is not tainted with materials toxic to wildlife. Initiatives like the Burnaby campus storm drain marking program, and the Centre for Architectural Ecology research on green roof performance, urban ecology and rainwater harvesting help balance water use at BCIT. However, as of 2009, all storm water that leaves campus is untreated. Bio-filtration on-site would reduce contaminants in our watersheds.

The total average rainfall on Burnaby campus built area is 444 million litres each year. In some conservation efforts, rainwater is captured and used so tap water can be conserved. The average amount of water delivered to Burnaby campus 208 million litres a year.

The energy required to deliver and treat our water adds up, and accounts for 0.02% (3.6 ha) of our total Ecological Footprint.


What we aspire to achieve:

Become water balanced